Conclude an MOU with Seoul Veterinary Medical Association.
The Seoul Veterinary Medical Association and 3D Medivision signed a MOU on Sunday, August 12, 2018. In order to improve the quality of veterinarian surgical trainings, we have agreed to make a 3D video education system. Seoul Veterinary Medical Association used 3D cameras to capture 3D surgical images. Both parties ran a pilot test Virtual Experience Surgery Training in the 3rd training program. 3D Medivision also collaborated with other veterinary anatomy schools to film canine cadaver dissection in 3D images. It is the first trial to practice the dissection in three-dimensional perception and may revolutionize veterinary training. Best wishes, 3D MediVision Inc. 3D Medivision held the 1st SURGFLIX Promotion Video Contest (June 25 ~ July 20, 2018) and invited Seoul Broadcasting High School students to sumbit videos. The theme of the contest was a promotion of surgical edcation service and SURGFLIX platform. The result was announced on July 27th. A lot of brilliant and creative promotional videos that showed the students' creativity and skills and we appreciate their hard works. 3 teams were selected and congratulation to the following winners:
This contest was meaningful and inspiring, that and reminded once again about our mission. We are grateful to Seoul Broadcasting High School students for their hard work and enthusiasm.
Best wishes, 3D MediVision Inc. |
December 2024