| Held the 11th Medical Device Innovation Seminar 'The Importance of Medical Device Practice' | From open surgery to minimally invasive and emergency room implementation...Medtronic 'MIC' | OTT for experts and practice, 3D Medivision 'VGTC' | Government, Incheon Establishment of a large-scale education center around Seongnam Above all, the medical equipment practice and education infrastructure, where skill is important, is expanding to online using 3D cameras as well as upgrading facilities. The government is also planning to invest budget to open a wide-area domestic medical device education and training support center in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do and Incheon Metropolitan City by 2025. The Bastian Foundation held the 11th Medical Device Innovation Seminar on the 27th. At this seminar, held under the theme of 'importance of medical device practice', Kim Kyung-min, director of the Medtronic Innovation Center, a Korean research center of Medtronic, a global medical device company, and 3D operating a 3D camera-based veterinary training center 'VGTC' Medivision CEO Kijin Kim introduced the importance of medical device education and the current status of medical device education by each company. From laparotomy to minimally invasive, emergency room implementation... Medtronic's 'MIC' MIC stands for Medtronic Innovation Center and is a medical device R&D and education center operated by Medtronic, a global medical device company, in Songdo, Korea. It provides training programs for medical personnel to use medical devices correctly, provides solutions using Medtronic products, and provides training programs to enhance the understanding and competency of internal employees. The center is composed of Wet Lab for open and minimally invasive surgery training, Hybrid Lab for radiation equipment training, ICU Lab for emergency situations, and Surgical Synergy Lab for orthopedic-related medical device training. Click here to edit. Kim Kyung-min, head of the center, said, "Most medical field education is conducted on an apprenticeship basis, so it is true that a limited practice environment is provided for intern or resident level medical staff. Education programs are being linked,” he explained. According to the head of the center, over 2,550 medical staff visited the center last year, and the center provided 151 educational programs. Connection of OTT and practice for professionals only, 3D Medivision 'VGTC' 3D Medivision, a developer of a 3D imaging technology-based veterinary education platform, is operating an online/offline convergence education model through the development of 3D imaging devices, its own OTT platform, and connection with domestic and foreign educational institutions such as the VGTC, a research center dedicated to practice. 'VETERFILX', a self-developed medical OTT platform, was developed for the purpose of veterinary education. CEO Kim Ki-jin said that such virtual environment theoretical education leads to practical training in the company's training center, VGTC. He also added that this includes the company's values of expanding the apprentice-style, educator-centric education system. CEO Kim explained, “The form of medical education we are pursuing is trainee-centered,” and “This has led to the development of a platform that can use medical devices and review the educational contents without time and space constraints and continue to practice.” Medical device education... and essential element for localization tasks One of the key factors in the localization of medical devices in Korea is education. This is because, by using domestic medical devices in the education stage, it is possible to naturally lead to the entry of domestic medical devices in the clinical field. Accordingly, related ministries such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Industry Promotion Agency (KHIDI), among the consortium of domestic medical device competitiveness enhancement projects, in June this year, selected Incheon Metropolitan City (Incheon Technopark) and Seongnam City, Gyeonggi Province (Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency), a local government in charge of education and training support centers for domestic medical devices. was selected as Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do and Incheon Metropolitan City, which were selected for the regional-type domestic medical device education and training support center project, will receive 12.5 billion won each for 5 years, △Operation of education/training programs for physicians and medical associations, etc. △Establishment of infrastructure for medical device suitability assessment △ Permanent exhibitions of domestic medical device products will be held. Source : 히트뉴스(http://www.hitnews.co.kr) (kr)
June 2024