[Interview] 3D Medivision, the largest veterinary education center... "Aim for high value content"11/18/2021 Supplying content to Western Univ. in the U.S "Next year, the first year of overseas expansion Metabus collaboration is promoted to certify DID in veterinary science and to make content NFT. [Seoul = Newspim] Reporter Baek Ji-hyun = "We will create a second and third VGTC to create a community where veterinary people can communicate freely. We will also establish a value chain that can share profits with academia and healthcare companies." Kim Ki-jin, CEO of Three Medivision, who met in Songdo, Incheon on the 16th, introduced VGTC, Asia's largest private educational training center, with confidence. VGTC is located in the Notors Research Institute building, a full-time testing consignment agency (CRO) in Korea. The 200-pyeong VGTC has 15 beds, surgical instruments, and a laboratory equipped with 3D filming equipment. Next to it is a conference room where 132 people can watch the video in real time and share their opinions. [Seoul = Newspim] Baek Ji-hyun, CEO of 3 Division, = Kim Ki-jin, is holding a press conference at VGTC in Songdo, Incheon, on the 17th. [Photo = 3D Medivision] 2021.11.17 [email protected] CEO Kim said, "We have established a comprehensive medical education system that allows us to acquire the latest medical technology knowledge and use it globally." It is a space where up to 60 people can practice with a cadevar at the same time, and 132 people can sit together and exchange opinions. This is the largest in Asia, he explained. Founded in 2011, 3D Medivision was a company that manufactures 3D imaging medical devices. Since then, it has started to create its own medical education contents using its own devices and opened VeterFlix, its own video sharing platform, in 2019. VeterFlix has 217 video contents registered and has 2,900 members. Anatomy practice is an essential process in veterinary education. However, due to time, space, and cost constraints, the limitation was the lack of opportunities for veterinary students to practice. Three Medivision proposes alternatives to compensate for the limitations of veterinary education. CEO Kim said, "For example, veterinary students have no time or materials to practice with a single cadet bar. After reading an anatomical book, 20 or 30 people gather in one cadepa (dead body) to teach anatomy. However, it is difficult to replace the curriculum only with papers or seminars. It can be clearly summarized that showing and listening is effective in education. In particular, the reason why we chose the 3D imaging system is that we know that it is difficult to grasp the anatomical structure on a flat screen, he said. Netflix costs 110 won per episode, but our contents are priced 110,000 won per episode, he said. Nevertheless, the reason why people are willing to pay and watch content is that it is simply money. The profits that veterinarians can earn vary depending on whether they can perform difficult surgery, he added. With the opening of VGTC, 3D Medivision plans to diversify its sales through offline practical training. CEO Kim said, "The market verification is over online and we will now conduct a second round of verification through how well medical personnel will respond to it," adding, "(VGTC) can deal with not only veterinarians but also humans, and collaborate with medical device companies to experience devices in person. It can also rent devices to other institutions and pharmaceutical companies, he explained. Two years after the launch of the content business, actual monetization is also rapidly taking place. CEO Kim said, "This year's profits have exceeded the break-even point (BEP). For example, if you proceed with the surgical operation case 10 times, you will get up to 40 contents through reprocessing. The cost is over when we filmed it once, but we can generate a variety of profits by supplying it offline online, he said. Three Medivision, which has been looking at the U.S. veterinary science for the past two years, will also start overseas expansion from next year. CEO Kim said, "We are making meaningful numbers in Korea. The next is to lay the foundation for overseas sales. Western University in the U.S. is providing education using our contents and will cooperate with the Western Veterinary Association in February next year to participate in exhibitions and conferences together. We expect sales to be demonstrated in the U.S. from next year, he said. Three Medivision plans to strengthen securing domestic and foreign content and invest heavily in marketing for the funds flowing through the listing. CEO Kim said, "If domestic VGTC is verified, it plans to establish it directly overseas. We are planning to secure various contents by establishing them in the United States, China, and other countries, he said. "The second VGTC is planned to be established in the U.S., and in the U.S., it is currently required to receive training for a certain period of time to renew its U.S. license, and 15 of its contents have been approved by the American Medical Association. In the future, we will make sure that all the contents we currently have are certified, he said. In addition, the strategy is to share profits generated by making its own content NFT with veterinary professors and investors who helped produce content. CEO Kim said, "The reason for NFT is to prepare a legal mechanism to protect video copyrights, and the second is to share profits with professors who participated in creating educational videos. We are in contact with two or three companies that can collaborate because we need metabus technology from NFT to blockchain-based ID (DID) certification. Three MediVision selected Daishin Securities as its organizer in August last year and is seeking to be listed on the KOSDAQ in earnest. It is preparing for a technology evaluation and is expected to receive results in March next year. Based on the results of the technology evaluation, the company expects to be listed in the second quarter of next year. Earlier, it raised about 10 billion won by attracting investment in Series A and B. Based on Series B, the value of companies recognized in the market is 35 billion won. [Seoul = Newspim] Baek Ji-hyun, CEO of 3 Division, = Kim Ki-jin, is holding a press conference at VGTC in Songdo, Incheon, on the 17th. 2021.11.17 [email protected] Sources : 뉴스핌(https://www.newspim.com/news/view/20211117000929)(KR) |
June 2024